Then and now..... that was something I experienced last evening. Our friends Maria and Matz had invited us to come to a "get together" of some old friends in the neighborhood that we used to live in as kids and teens. The neighborhood which I left at age 15. Days like that really are a trip down memory lane and last evening I met an old friend of mine. We used to play together in the sand box behind the multi family house we lived in. And today I looked for the photo from way back then and it was funny to discover that he liked plaid shirts in 1955 also. I decided that I am gonna have to make a layout of both of those pics as soon as I get the time. This coming week is going to be an extremely busy one. But it was so nice to talk to him and hear that he is a grandfather....... his grandma used to watch us kids.
Auch Detlef und Matz haben sich auch prächtig unterhalten.
Also Detlef and Matz were busy into a conversation.
Und hier ist Maria mit O.K.
Und heute ist ein nebliger Tag gewesen, so konnte ich den Sonntag ohne schlechtes Gewissen im schnuckeligen Scrapzimmer verbringen.
Hi hi, köstlich der Scherz mit den karrierten Hemden :-). Liebe Grüsse und schöne Woche beim Umbau. Immer dran denken, das Ergebnis zählt... ;-)