Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

The last part of the mini album

continues with the goose dinner on the 25th of December.  We tried it for the first time with the low temp, keeping the goose in the oven for 8 hours.  And it worked, the meat was tender and tasted delicious.

Here we are up at the Fortress.  Millie loved it, it is kind of a fairy tale place for her. 
 Hier sind wir auf der Würzburger Festung.

 What a surprise on January 4th, our friends from Oberhausen came to see Melanie and Millie.  We all had dinner at the Greek and I was happy that Edda and Werner got to meet little Millie.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Lovely mini book there Gisela, your granddaughter is so adorable, just like U (i never bluff!) i decided to make a FEBRUARY 2013 mini book journal. February, indeed very special this year. HAH! Have a good day:)


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