This year I wasn't able to go to the Kreativ Messe in Wiesbaden because of my aching calf, the only good thing about it was that my wallet kept its content. Plus I had time to do some orders which consisted of cards (those I will show in another blog post) and this Maternity mini album.
Sonntag, 4. November 2012
Dieses Jahr
war leider nix mit Kreativ Messe in Wiesbaden da ich mit meinem "Haxn" nicht lange hätte dort laufen können, was wiederum gut für den Geldbeutel war. Und Zeit hatte ich dann auch um meine Aufträge zu erledigen. Das waren einige Karten (die ich ein anderes mal zeige) und dieses Schwangerschaftsalbum.
This year I wasn't able to go to the Kreativ Messe in Wiesbaden because of my aching calf, the only good thing about it was that my wallet kept its content. Plus I had time to do some orders which consisted of cards (those I will show in another blog post) and this Maternity mini album.
This year I wasn't able to go to the Kreativ Messe in Wiesbaden because of my aching calf, the only good thing about it was that my wallet kept its content. Plus I had time to do some orders which consisted of cards (those I will show in another blog post) and this Maternity mini album.
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he - das ist ja richtig Klasse geworden! und Scrapwetter ist doch eigentlich das schönste Wetter - oder?
AntwortenLöschenLG Conny