We're back from the spa and we really had a wonderful time. We relaxed a lot, took walks with Daisy, went to the "Stadt Galerie" (a mall) in Passau, and went to the Europa Therme Spa every day to enjoy ourselves outdoors in the warm waters http://www.europatherme-badfuessing.de/index-e.htmBad Füssing war schön, viel Ausruhen, Spaziergänge mit Daisy, Einkaufen und Schlemmen in der Stadt Galerie in Passau und jeden Tag im warmen Wasser in den Aussenbecken der Europa Therme entspannen.
Checked out the photos. Looks really snowy there still. talk to you soon.Millie left her cute flower hair band at school today. Hope it is still there... and she left her vest too. We are ALWAYS forgetting things, the both of us. HOw do I remember everything she brings with her?