We made it....... even though I had my doubts many of times after all the ups and downs of driving back and forth, the setbacks until the bathroom was finally finished and all the other little mishaps. In the beginning, the packing wasn't so hard, but as more and more boxes were filled, it became harder to pack according in the order of the rooms.
Und am Tag bevor der Umzugswagen kam, platzte mir im Daumen eine Ader die die halbe Hand durchblutete. Da der Daumen sich anfühlte als würde er gleich platzen, brachte mein Mann mich in die Notaufnahme wo die Hand durchleuchtet wurde um festzustellen ob das Gelenk Schaden bekommen hatte, und danach wurde der Daumen eingegipst um zur Ruhe zu kommen. Leider bin ich kein guter Patient und habe den Gips schon 2 Tage später entfernt, denn das Aufräumen war unmöglich und so tut er mir heute immer noch weh.
A day before the movers arrived, a blood vessel burst in my thumb and bleed into my hand. And since my thumb swelled up pretty bad, Detlef drove me to the emergency and they x-rayed my hand to make sure that the joint wasn't dislocated from the pressure. I had a cast put on, but since I am not a good patient, I removed it after two days. I couldn't stand not being able to clean up and now I have to pay the price of still having pain in the thumb.The movers were here for two days and after they left, the house was "almost" empty. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep on the mattress that was laying on the floor. Frisky and Daisy joined me for a nap.
Abends haben wir dann unsere Freunde in Lengfeld getroffen und beim Griechen gegessen und noch mal gemütlich zusammen gesessen.
That evening we went to meet our friends in Lengfeld, went with them to the Greek Restaurant and enjoyed dinner together.
Am Sonntag sind wir dann nach Niederbayern gefahren um auf den Umzugswagen zu warten, der am Montagmorgen um 7:30 Uhr ankam. Fortsetzung folgt.....
Sunday we drove to the lower part of Bavaria to wait for the movers, the truck was expected to be there on Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. To be continued.........