Even though we live pretty close to the Wertheim Outlet Center, we've never been there. Detlef is still home on vacation and since it was a beautiful October day today, we took a ride to the shops.
Mir ging es hauptsächlich um das Fotografieren, da ich absolut kein Modesklave bin und lieber Scrapsachen als Kleidung kaufe. Aber dann entdeckte ich doch ein Geschäft in welches ich dann doch einkaufen ging, und zwar L'Occitane en provence. Die Creames und Lotionen von dieser Firma sind mein absoluter Liebling, und so kam ich mit einer Tüte Lavendel Produkten strahlend wieder heraus.
My main reason was to take some photos there since I am not a slave to the latest clothing styles and brand names. But then I discovered that they have a L'Occitane en provence there. And since I really love their Eau de toilettes and creams and lotions, I came back out with a bag full of lavender products.
After walking through the Village we stopped at a Restaurant there and had a delicious Pizza.
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