Vor ein paar Tagen sind wir mal wieder um den Baggersee gelaufen. Dazu musste ich mal wieder den inneren Schweinehund überwinden, denn ich bin absolut kein "Spaziergänger" mehr. Aber fürs Fotografieren hat sich so eine Runde doch gelohnt. Und außerdem hatte Daisy Spaß.
A couple of days ago, we took a walk around the lake up the road. For this I needed to kick myself in the butt, because I am not a "let's go for a walk" Person anymore. But the walk was worth it, lots of motives to take some photos of. And most of all, Daisy had fun.
Daisy made friends with this dog and enjoyed walking with her. |
Every time the big dog sniffed around, Daisy flopped herself on the ground and waited. |

Millie's swan was still there. |
I wonder where the spider is. |
AntwortenLöschenI am excited to meet you at CAR!!