Nun haben wir schon den 7. Juli und viel gescrappt habe ich diesen Monat noch gar nicht, aber dafür umsomehr gelesen. Aber eine Karte habe ich doch noch zustande gebracht. Das Orginal habe ich selbst gemalt.
Wow, July 7th already and I didn't scrap as much as I usually do, but read an awful lot this week. I did to make one card. The picture is a copy of my original painting.
Manchmal ist es einfach schön, sich selbst was Gutes zu tun. Ich habe mir heute diesen Rosenstrauss mitgebracht obwohl ich ja eher ein Nelkenfan bin. Aber sie haben mich beim Lidl einfach angesprochen, und schwupps, schon waren sie im Korb.
Sometimes it's nice to treat yourself with something special. Today I got myself these roses, although I am really a carnation lover. But while being at Lidl discounter, they appealed to me and they were in my shopping card before I thought about it twice.
Hello, Gisela. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. Funny thing about your post here, I just returned from grocery shopping where I also purchased flowers for myself and have also planned to blog about it. :o) Glad to see you gave yourself that treat!