Today was such a beautiful Spring day again so that I didn't spend as much time as usual in my Scrap room. The German Scrap Magazine arrived in the mail and some other neat things that I had ordered from the Scrapbook Werkstatt. One of the ordered items was a Ribbon Ring Organizer. I took that outside with me and sorted my lose ribbons which are too short to wrap around the clothes pins. In the meantime, hubby had arrived, joined me outside and threw himself into his favorite lounger and immediately fell asleep. I read the magazine.
Zur Krönung des Abends habe ich dann noch 4 Karten gemacht und das dürfte für den heutigen Tag reichen. Morgen soll es ja wieder so schön werden.
Then tonight I made four cards and that's it for today. It's supposed to be another beautiful day tomorrow.
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