Was that a farm? Hopefully when you are here it is not too rainy. Then we can actually see the mts, some fall trees and pretty farms too. (or it could just be a boggy, gloomy wet mess the whole 2 weeks..fingers crossed....) I love fall too, but this side of WA tends just want to rain all the time and not give us those crisp, fall days like CT. MISS that soooo much!
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Was that a farm?
AntwortenLöschenHopefully when you are here it is not too rainy. Then we can actually see the mts, some fall trees and pretty farms too. (or it could just be a boggy, gloomy wet mess the whole 2 weeks..fingers crossed....) I love fall too, but this side of WA tends just want to rain all the time and not give us those crisp, fall days like CT. MISS that soooo much!