Since today was a cloudy day, we decided to move our indoor plants outside. That way they don't get burned by the sun and have a few days to get acclimated outdoors.

Da es heute wolking war, haben wir unsere Zimmerpflanzen raus in den Garten gestellt. So können sie sich langsam an die "Freiheit" gewöhnen, ohne dass sie sofort von der Sonne verbrannt werden.

The rest of the afternoon I spent by sorting out fotos. Lots of memories, but also a little bit of work to put them in the right order. I also found some real funny pictures.
Den ganzen Nachmittag habe ich dann mit Fotos sortieren verbracht, schöne Erinnerungen, aber auch viel Arbeit um die alle richtig einzuordnen. Da kamen aber auch so manch lustige Sachen hervor.
It looks really nice out there. We are expecting a winter storm today, snow in the mt pass and rain again...
AntwortenLöschenOh, I already made a layout for my Hawaii trip! I will take a photo and post it! I am making an album for 2010 where I make a layout for each month. I love those layouts-easy and then I have a record of what we did for each month...